Use kcptun to speed up shadowsocks

I bought HostUS’s $16 annual OpenVZ architecture VPS. I chose LA and connected directly to the US via Shanghai. There is nothing to blame on the line. The delay is about 200ms, which is also within the acceptable range. However, the speed is only 100+Kb/S, and it is better to make a refund or change the machine room.

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Build a crawler agent pool

Anti-reptiles are numerous, the most common one is to check the Header, and the second is to block the IP based on the frequency of the visit. There are many websites that provide agents on the Internet, but the actual available IP is very small, and the purchase of the charging interface is not suitable for small projects. Therefore, it is very necessary to build a pool of your own crawler agent.

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Trial Experience of Archer Crawler

I saw the advertisement on several websites about the magic archer crawler. It’s easier to get started, and the expansion of the function is not as comfortable as Python writes.

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Configure https for websites through CloudFlare

This site is hosted on Github Pages and built using Hexo. The original domain name is , there is Github’s SSL certificate, but after pointing to the custom domain name, the certificate’s URL is not matched and becomes HTTP access. CloudFlare was finally used as a proxy to successfully open HTTPS for the whole station.

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Gadget development for mouse coordinates

I made an automated tool recently and found that it was horrible to get the current coordinates of the mouse when developing. It’s a waste of time to use the Photoshop ruler for viewing the screenshots, so I wrote a small tool to get the coordinates. The autopy library is used to implement the function, and Tkinter is used to draw the interface. Convenient for further development in the next step.

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Hide files in images using Python

There are many ways to hide files in images on the web, which can also be done in Python, which avoids the blocking method of matching links or text. Most of the rumors circulating on the Internet are rar format. I have tried it for free, zip can also, find some information, and organize the process as follows.

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